The IWLA has selected SSCF to be the neutral, third party verifying partnerThe International Warehouse Logistics Association (IWLA, has selected the Sustainable Supply Chain Foundation (SSCF, to be the neutral, third party verifying partner in its newly launched Sustainable Logistics Initiative (SLI). The SLI is a cutting edge tool, designed by the IWLA specifically for its members, with which companies can easily assess and quantify the sustainability of individual warehouse/logistics facilities. Using the SLI self assessment, IWLA member third party logistics facilities and companies will be able to demonstrate their sustainability practices to existing and potential customers and to the market in general. The SLI, after establishing a sustainability base-line for each facility enrolled, will provide the capability to monitor, track and verify sustainability practices in areas such as energy usage, water consumption and waste disposal. The Sustainable Supply Chain Foundation will independently and neutrally verify SLI assessment results. The SLI is designed to be a continuous improvement tool for IWLA members. The IWLA, which has been in existence since 1891, is the leading warehouse trade association in North America. The nearly 500 member companies provide a wide range of logistics services including warehousing, transportation, value-added services and consulting. IWLA’s members are committed to protecting the free flow of products domestically and across international borders in the most efficient, cost-effective and sustainable manner. The SSCF provides consultation services, funds and conducts research related to sustainability in global and domestic supply chain and transportation-related industries. It also works to identify and assess best practices and emerging technologies that advance sustainability in every aspect of supply chain management. |